
Application: July 22- August 2, 2013

Interview: August 22 -23, 2013

Registration: September 2 -6, 2013

The Beginning of Academic Year: September 16, 2013

Please click for detailed information (Institute of Medical Sciences):

Academic StaffFaculty/InstituteDepartment
Prof. Dr. B. Sıddık B. YARMANFaculty of EngineeringElectric Electronic Engineering
Prof. Dr. Buket ALPERTUNGAFaculty of PharmacyDepartment of Pharmaceutical Toxicology
Prof. Dr. Filiz GÜRELFaculty of ScienceMolecular Biology and Genetics
Prof. Dr. Günnur DENIZInstitute of Experimental MedicineImmunology
Prof. Dr. Gürhan ÇIFTÇIOĞLUFaculty of Veterinary MedicineFood Hygiene and
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZFaculty of Veterinary MedicineVirology
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ŞENOCAKCerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Nazlı ARDAFaculty of ScienceMolecular Biology and Genetics
Prof. Dr. Nihan ERGİNEL-ÜNALTUNAInstitute of Experimental MedicineGenetics
Prof. Dr. Pınar YAMANTÜRK ÇELIKİstanbul Medical FacultyPharmacology
Prof. Dr. Sema BIRLERFaculty of Veterinary MedicineDepartment of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination
Prof. Dr. Serap SAĞLIK ASLANFaculty of PharmacyAnalytical Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Serhat PABUÇCUOĞLUFaculty of Veterinary MedicineDepartment of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination
Prof. Dr. Sevinç GÜLSEÇENInformatics
Prof. Dr. Şule ARIFaculty of ScienceMolecular Biology and Genetics
Prof. Dr. Tamer DEMİRALPİstanbul Medical FacultyPhysiology
Prof. Dr. Yağız ÜRESİNİstanbul Medical FacultyPharmacology
Prof. Dr. Zeynep AYDOĞMUŞFaculty of PharmacyAnalytical Chemistry
Assoc. Prof. A. Funda BAĞCIGİLFaculty of Veterinary MedicineMicrobiology
Prof. Burçak VURAL*Institute of Experimental MedicineGenetics
Assoc. Prof. Gül ÖZHANFaculty of PharmacyDepartment of Pharmaceutical Toxicology
Assoc. Prof. Gülriz BAYÇU KAHYAOĞLUFaculty of ScienceBiology
Assoc. Prof. Müge SAYITOĞLUInstitute of Experimental MedicineGenetics
Assoc. Prof. Sibel UĞURInstitute of Experimental MedicineGenetics
Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem EROLInformatics
Assist. Prof. Selçuk SÖZER TOKDEMİRInstitute of Experimental MedicineGenetics

In the first year, the students take the obligatory courses and a minimum of 1 elective course. If the students decide to continue on their second year at Istanbul University, they will need to take track courses that are worth 30 ECTS in total. The table below summarizes the course work at IU Biohealth Computing Master’s Program.


Code – Title (Theoretical Hours – Practical Hours – Laboratory Hours / Credit – ECTS)


BHC 100 – Seminar (0-0-0/0 Kr – 6 ECTS)

Every student in this program is responsible of giving a seminar talk. The topic of the seminar talk, which will be based on a wide literature survey will be determined by the student and the supervisor. The aim of this course is to enhance the ability of the student to present scientific concepts and results to an audience.


BHC 101 – Critical Thinking and Ethics in Biohealth Research (2-0-0/2 Kr – 6 ECTS)

In scientific research, formulation of correct and appropriate questions and definition of a hypothesis, correct analysis of the collected data with relevant techniques leading to strong generalisations and interpretations, developing scientific theses and theories strongly depends on critical thinking. Therefore, critical thinking is a style and ability of thinking that the studnt has to be gain during MSc study. In this course, basic concepts such as scientific methodology, scientific and critical thinking; how to think in scientific / critical way; how to ask correct questions; how to approach experimental data and results; how can one reach to generalizations on the basis of the data and results; how to build theses and theories will be taught to the students, and the students will gain the capability to use these concepts in their scientific study. Additionally, during the process of obtaining scientific results, it is a must to conform to ethical values and universally accepted norms and rules, which will also be covered within this course.


BHC 102 – Scientific Instruments and Techniques in Biohealth (1-0-2/2 Kr – 6 ECTS)

The rapid development in science and technology in last decades led to the need that the scientists have to learn the use of complex equipments and technologies to be able to carry out their research. The use of these modern equipments and techniques without a sound knowledge about their theoretical bases and their practical use lead to important problems such as high financial costs and incorrect results. Therefore, this course aims to teach the students the theoretical and practical issues about the equipments and techniques widely used in life-science research and medical diagnosis and treatment.


BHC 103 – Biostatistics and Experimental Design (2-0-0/2 Kr – 6 ECTS)

The course aims to teach the essential elements of research methodology and fundamentals of biostatistics. Emphasis is on study design, appropriate analysis, and interpretation of results using biostatistical techniques .The underlying concepts of statistical analysis as well as basic and some more advanced analysis techniques are covered.

At the end of the course the participants will have gained an understanding of:

– The various design possibilities for a medical research project, and the important considerations for experimental and observational studies.

– The types of data generated in research studies

– The most common methods of analysis for categorical and continuous data, including regression methods and survival analysis

– Some particular methods and the interpretation of their results.



 BHC 104 – Animal Models for Translational Research (1-0-2/2 Kr – 6 ECTS)

An animal model is a living, non-human animal used during the research and investigation of human disease, for the purpose of better understanding the disease without the added risk of causing harm to an actual human being during the process. Animal models serving in research may have an existing, inbred or induced disease or injury that is similar to a human condition.

Predictive models are when the animals strictly display only the treatment characteristics of a disease. This method is commonly used when researchers do not know the cause of a disease. It is also useful in screening. The increase in knowledge of the genomes of non-human primates and other mammals that are genetically close to humans is allowing the production of genetically engineered animal tissues, organs and even animal species which express human diseases, providing a more robust model of human diseases in an animal model. This lectures will coves following issues: Model systems, biological processes and diseases, linking concepts between web tools, systems morphogenetics, examples of model systems and diseases, informatique tools.


BHC 105 – Mathematical Modeling for Bioinformatics (2-0-0/2 Kr – 6 ECTS)

– Introduction to mathematical modeling, major concepts: deterministic models, stochastic models and data modeling

– General overview of set theory

– Meaning of probability theory

– The axioms of probability

– Repeated trials: combined experiments, Bernoulli trials, Bernoulli’s theorem and games of chances

– The concept of random variable: understanding of randomness, distribution and density functions, specific random variables, conditional distributions, asymptotic approximations for binomial random variables

– Functions of one random variable: random variable g(x), the distribution of g(x), mean and variance, moments, characteristic functions

– Sequences of random variables: general concepts, conditional densities, characteristic functions, and normality, mean square estimations, stochastic convergence and limit theorems, random numbers, meaning and generation

– Multidimensional stochastic models

– Stochastic models for decision makers

– Deterministic models; polynomial interpolations, rational function interpolation

– Function approximation: linear least square approximation, quadratic least square approximation, cubic least square approximation

– Selection of term projects

– Discussion on term projects

– Concluding remarks on mathematical modeling



BHC 111 – Bioinformatics for Health Research (3-0-0/3 Kr -8 ECTS)

Developments in biological and medical sciences have transformed the life sciences into a field with a high weight in information processing, and bioinformatics has emerged as a new field at the intersection area of engineering, basic, health and computational sciences. This new discipline focuses on the development of databases, algorithms and internet-based and other tools for the processing and analysis of the data produced in the field of life sciences. Four basic research areas in the area of interest of bioinformatics are: I) DNA, RNA and protein sequencing analyses, ii) functional genomics and proteomics, iii) estimation of the 3-dimensional structures of macromolecules, and iv) systems biology. This course will provide a basic review of the field by presenting the historical perspective and sample studies on the four basic topics mentioned above.


BHC 112 – Principles of Clinical Research (2-0-2/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

– Good Clinical Practice

– Research Methodology

– Organisation and Management of Clinical Trials

– Clinical Trials and Information Management


BHC 113 – Translational Research (2-0-2/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

– Clinical qualification process of candidate Biomarkers

– Introduction to Preclinic Research

– Biological Modeling and Simulation

– Knowledge Management

– Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research

– Laboratory Analytical Methods


BHC 114 – Genetic Medicine (2-0-2/3 Kr – 7 ECTS)

This course aims to cover the genetic dimension of human health by clinical and basic scientists with a multidisciplinary approach. This includes the basis of single gene and compex genetic disorders, the functions of normal genes and proteins and understanding of the functional meanings of pathological genetic changes. The translation of genetic research to human health and to new diagnostic and therapeutic methods are also within the scope of the course. Scientists who perform translational genetic studies will convey information about the current reflections of research results in daily medical practice.


BHC 115 – Genetics in Epidemiology (2-0-2/3 Kr – 7 ECTS)

Genetic epidemiology investigates in families and the population the roles of the genetic factors in health and disease. Interactions of the genetic and environmental factors and current techniques for the identification of the genetic factors in single-gene and complex genetic diseases will be taught with practical applications. The course will also cover the genome wide association studies and the roles of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in the etiology of various diseases.


BHC 116 – Laboratory Methods in Clinical Research (2-0-2/3 Kr – 7 ECTS) 

Method development and validation of active pharmaceutical compounds and metabolites in biological materials (whole blood, plasma, urine etc.) by new analytical techniques (HPLC,GC etc.), sample preparation, application of the methods, statistical evaluation and report presentation.



BHC 121 – Environment and Consumer Health (2-0-2/3Kr – 8 ECTS)

 – Food Safety and Consumer Protection

– Effect of Environmental Pollution on Food Animals and Animal Products

– Chemical Contaminants of Food

– Food Wastes and Affect on Environmental Health


BHC 122 – Risk Assessment for Public Health (3-0-0/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

 – Introduction to Epidemiology

– Introduction to Toxicology

– Risk Assesment methods

– Biomarkers of Exposure and Effects

– Molecular Mechanism of Drug Toxicity

– Toxicological Research Method


BHC 123 – Enviromental Pollution and Bioremediation (2-0-2/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

– Sources of environmental pollution

– Types of environmental pollution (Air pollution, Soil pollution, Water pollution)

– Environmental biotechnology

– Bioremediation (Technology overview, Microbial processes, Aerobic bioremediation, Anaerobic bioremediation)

– Phytoremediation (Inorganic pollutants, Organic pollutants, Phytoremediation strategies, Tolerant plant species, Hyperaccumulators, Use of plants for environmental cleanup, Native versus transgenic plants in phytoremediation


BHC 124 – Bacterial Zoonotic Infections of Animals (2-0-2/3 Kr – 7 ECTS)

Zoonotic infections beside their negative effect on animal health and to the country economy they are also directly affecting the public health. In the beginning of the course, epidemiological information such as infection dynamics, the general mechanism of development of an infectious disease in animals will be discussed. Following after these common subjects, infections of animals which are affecting directly public health will be explained. The epidemiology of these infections particularly the shedding and the transmission ways of them will be detailed and point s that are causing risk for environmental and public health will be indicated. Then below the biosecurity in veterinary microbiology title the laboratory working rules will be explained. For the diagnosis of these zoonotic infections both environmental and biological sampling procedures will be detail explained. And bacteriological, serological and molecular diagnostic methods will be described.

Students who have successfully finished this course, will have the ability to identify particular animal infections which are important for public health due to their zoonotic potential, and with the epidemiological information that they have learned from the course they would know the preventive measurement to avoid the development of such diseases. At the end of the program, with the knowledge that they have learned about those infectious agents, students who had decided to work with zoonotic diseases in their thesis would have the ability to work with those agents without causing any environmental contamination risk. The students would have improve their approach to zootonic infections, would have the ability to give suggestions about management of the farms and control and eradication methods.


BHC 125 – Major viral diseases of domesticated animals and viral zoonoses (2-0-0/2 Kr – 7 ECTS)

The aims of the course are to help the student to understand epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunity, laboratory diagnostic methods, control and prevention of major viral diseases of domesticated animals.

– Major viral infections of ruminants

– Major viral infections of horses

– Major viral infections of dogs and cats

– Major viral infections of swine

– Viral Zoonoses



BHC 131 – Molecular Biotechnology (2-0-2/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

– Basis of genetic engineering

– Genetically modified organisms

– Enzyme technology

– Pharmaceutical industry

– Antibiotics, hormons and enzymes

– Monoclonal antibody production

– Vaccine production

– Fermentation technology

– Nutrients and additives

– Biofuels


BHC 132 – Omics Technologies (3-0-0/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

 – Genomics

– Microarray production technology

– Proteomics

– Metabolomics

– Data analysis using bioinformatics tools


BHC 133 – Stem Cell Technologies in Regenerative Medicine (2-0-2/3 Kr – 8 ECTS)

 – Introduction to stem cell

– Embrionic stem cell

– Non-embryonic stem cells

– Cancer stem cells

– Phenotyping , isolation, and culture

– Bioengineered stem cell technology

– Tissue Engineering

– Regenerative therapy of stem cell –I

– Regenerative therapy of stem cell-II

– Clinical applications of stem cells

– Cord Blood Banking

– Research Skills & Ethical issues of stem cell research

– Controversies in stem cell research and therapy


BHC 134 – Animal Biotechnology (2-0-2/3 Kr – 7 ECTS)

 – Introduction to animal biotechnology

– Improvements in animal health

– Enhancements to animal products

– Reproductive biotechnology

– Somatic cell nuclear transfer

– Transgenesis

– Knockout technology

– Production of human disease models

– Animal cell and tissue culture


BHC 135 – Cell Biology (2-0-2/3 Kr – 7 ECTS)

 – Introduction to the cell chemistry

– Basic genetic mechanisms

– Cellular organization and biochemistry

– Intracellular compartments and protein sorting

– Cell communication

– The cytoskeleton

– The cell cycle, programmed cell death and cancer