Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the official language of the program?

– The program’s official language is English.

The Erasmus Mundus Program grants scholarship to 2 successful students each academic year. In order to obtain the scholarship, students need to apply for it. For application and eligibility details please visit link.

When you are enrolled to BHC program at Istanbul University, you have to complete your first year at Istanbul University. Then if you wish, you can apply to one of the Erasmus Mundus Partner Universities to continue your second year education. If you are accepted and successfully complete your second year at one of the Partner Universities, then you are eligible to be awarded with two diplomas: one from Istanbul University and the other from the Partner University attended.

I do not hold the degrees mentioned above, can I still apply to the IU BHC program?

– If you do not hold an undergraduate degree from the mentioned programs above, your acceptance to the program will be decided by the program’s Coordination Council.

Who are eligible to apply to the program?

– Applicants are required to fulfill the following conditions:

Diploma in Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Veterinary, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Engineering (Computer, Electronics, Biomedical, Chemistry, Food, Environmental, Industrial) or Mathematics undergraduate programs
Meet the conditions described in Istanbul University’s Graduate Education Legislation (
Erasmus Mundus acceptance conditions:
BHC applicants are required having already completed a Bachelor of science (B.Sc. degree or a nationally recognized degree equivalent to 180 ECTS) and the first year of a Master of Science (MSc degree or a nationally recognized degree equivalent to 60 ECTS), with a minimum grade of “B–“ in the ECTS grading scale (at least a score of 70%). If requested, the applicant must prove the international recognition of the mentioned Degree as equivalent to a B.Sc. + first year of Ms, and provide such official recognition translated in English. An academic equivalency may be attributed based on the professional experience of the applicant (validation of acquired experience).
BHC applicants are required having a fluent level in English described as:
(1) If your native language is English: no document is requested

(2) If your mother tongue is not English, but if you have trained in English (bachelor + master): it should be mentioned in an official letter of your administration.

(3) In all other cases: English level must be certified by a TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS score. The result has to be paper based at least 580, computer based at least 237 or internet based at least 92-93. An alternative is a minimum score of 6.5 from IELTS test. Furthermore, basic computer skills are required. The Consortium Committee can admit excellent students with a somewhat lower TOEFL (550, 213 or 79-80 respectively) or IELTS score (6.0).

Additional information can be found at